Exploratory Data Analysing My Favorite Data Science Channels Using Youtube API



YouTube is a very rich educational resource for data science and related fields. In this project, I tried to extract the data of four of my favorite channels from Yotube API. These data are related to comments, channel information, and video information, and then From extracting their performance, I analyze and compare them

Tip - The visualizations and analyzes used in this project can be used to analyze any channel, just extract the desired channel data.

Open notebook from my github repository

In this project, I will cover and explore the following:

  • Extract Data from Youtube API .

  • Data Preprocessing and Feature Engineering

    • How many subscribers they have and how far are they from each other ?

    • Which one has uploaded more videos ?

    • Comparison of the number of views of each channel

    • How long did it take to reach their current position ?

    • The most viewed video of each channel

    • How long are the videos usually?

    • What day do they usually upload videos ?

    • In which year did Chanel perform better ?

    • Whats average duration of videos

    • check correlation :

    • Dose video durition matter for views ?

    • Does title length matter for views ?

    • Does likesCount and commentsCount correlated with views ?

  • Explore text data using NLP techniques

    • Most written in the comments for each channel
    • Most words used in titles
    • Sentiment analysis for the comments of each channel

Data Visualization And Exploratory analysis preview

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